PT-max Belt Trainer
PT-max Belt Trainer
Superior Belt Tracking Performance
The PT Max™ is the only true high performance belt trainer on the market. Thanks to our unique ‘pivot and tilt’ design, the unit reacts and compensates instantly to belt misalignment, ensuring that the belt stays away from the structure and the material stays on the belt. The PT Max delivers superior training action that makes it easy to keep even the most troublesome belts on track and on the job permanently.
The PT Max™ Top Side is a high performance unit delivering superior training action. It is available in three duty models to meet application-specific needs.
Features and Benefits
Maximum Belt Speed: 6 m/sec
Temperature Rating: -40° C to 82° C
Belt Direction: One Way
Heavy Duty:
1200 – 2100 mm wide
19 – 25 mm thick
Super Duty
1800 – 3000 mm wide
25 mm thick and higher
Maximum Belt Tension:
Standard Duty:525 N/mm
Heavy Duty:1050 N/mm
Super Duty:1750 N/mm
Belt Dimensions
Standard Duty:
600 – 1500 mm wide
Up to 19 mm thick
Top side Heavy duty or medium duty operations. Wet or dry conditions. Belts mistracking to one side or both sides. Whatever the issue, the PT Max has the answer.
Installation can be done on Single direction belts .
Technical Specifications